A little history…
Entertain Ya Mania was at one time a huge multi-national corporation employing nearly half a million people. Unfortunately, the CEO cooked the books and used employee retirement funds to buy himself classic works of art, multiple seaside homes, luxury yachts, baseball teams and maple syrup massages (don’t ask). As a result, Entertain Ya Mania is now operated by one guy, Jon Pert, out of his basement in Falmouth, Maine. Resigned but not bitter, Jon sells merchandise to a gazillion stores throughout North America and the Caribbean.
A little more history…
Entertain Ya Mania was started in 1996 as a way to offer the humor and art of Maine cartoonist Jeff Pert to the public. His cartoons have been featured on products from T-shirts to fridge magnets and everything in between. Sadly, Jeff passed away in 2014. Since then Entertain Ya Mania has broadened the scope of art available on its products. While souvenirs featuring Jeff’s cartoons continue to be a major part of the Entertain Ya Mania line, we also offer stock and custom art with the help of several talented graphic artists. As always, we strive to stay original, quality-driven and, with Jeff in mind, funny!